Purple Tears

Why do I cry, cry, cry?
Why does everything seem like a good enough reason to die?
Purple tears cover my shrine

Why must I hide, hide, hide?
Bury me deep inside
Eyes shut wide

Let me sleep, pray the Lord my soul to keep
Let my sorrows spread
I am a sick, unearthly vine

Why do I climb, climb, climb?
Unravel me from your sides
Just let me die

My stomach shies
These arent butterfies
They are beasts that soar, but they're mine

The pain it swallows me
There are places you should not dive
I am the honey inside the beehive

So bitter, so sweet
But am I really worth the time?
You'll drink me alive

You finally let me die
Feeding off my enzymes


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow...you got my respect Reina. Thank you for sharing 🎨


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